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Thanks to the Made in China 2025 plan, the era of China's Industry 4.0 will begin


The "Made in China 2025" plan that has received much attention will be officially released in the near future. It is understood that the plan has been reviewed by the executive meeting of the State Council. With the introduction of the "China Edition Industry 4.0" plan, "Made in China" will have wings to take off.

Market participants pointed out that "Made in China 2025" will become a benchmark for traditional manufacturing companies to build smart factories. With the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the promotion of Internet +, "Made in China 2025" will become the theme of continuous attention to the Chinese economy this year and in the next few years.

Made in China "remedial lessons"

According to authoritative sources, "Made in China 2025", which has passed the executive meeting of the State Council, will be officially released within this month. The "Plan" proposes 9 major tasks, 10 major key areas and 5 major projects. Among them, the nine major tasks include improving the innovation capability of the national manufacturing industry; the ten key areas include the new generation of information and communication technology industry, high-end CNC machine tools and robots, and biomedicine; the five key projects include the construction of the national manufacturing innovation center, intelligent manufacturing Wait.

On March 27, Su Bo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, stated at a regular policy briefing of the State Council that "Made in China 2025" will be officially issued in the near future. In addition, Su Bo also revealed that in order to achieve the goals set by "Made in China 2025", the official will set up a leading group for the construction of a national manufacturing power and formulate a "1+X" implementation plan and planning system.

Liu Baicheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out that there are three major problems in my country's manufacturing industry: first, weak innovation capabilities; second, weak core technologies and absence of common technologies; third, waste of resources and serious pollution. In addition to "internal troubles", there are also "foreign troubles". In the era of economic globalization, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is on the rise. The development of my country's manufacturing industry is facing two squeezes and double challenges of developed countries gaining momentum and emerging economies catching up. In this context, China really needs a blueprint to promote the development of the manufacturing industry, and the "Made in China 2025" plan can be said to be at the right time.

When analyzing the internal logic of "Made in China 2025", economic experts pointed out that China's modernization is very different from that of Western developed countries. Western developed countries are a "serial" development process, with industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, and informatization developing sequentially; while China wants to catch up from behind and achieve leapfrog development, the development method must be a "parallel" development process, which requires industrialization , Informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization develop simultaneously, that is, industry 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 develop simultaneously. In this case, the task of "Made in China 2025" is more complicated and arduous than Germany's realization of "Industry 4.0".

Zhu Gaofeng, former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that "Made in China 2025" is not a specific plan, but an action program for the entire industry. The goal is to create an upgraded version of Made in China, among which intelligence, greenness and service are the three development directions . In layman's terms, China's manufacturing industry needs "remedial lessons". "Improving product quality is the first lesson to make up." Zhu Gaofeng said.

Will start China's Industry 4.0 era

A few days ago, Germany announced an upgraded version of "Industry 4.0 Platform". "Industry 4.0 Platform" is a new industrial strategic plan officially launched by Germany at the Hannover Communication and Information Technology Fair held in April 2013. Its purpose is to make full use of information communication technology and network virtual system to transform the manufacturing industry to intelligence. With the introduction of the "Made in China 2025" plan, China's Industry 4.0 era is expected to start.

The person in charge of the Dongguan Robot Industry Association analyzed that "Made in China 2025" listed ten key development areas, among which the concept of robots has attracted much attention. my country is already the largest industrial robot market in the world, and the sales volume of the national robot market in 2015 will exceed 80,000 units. At the same time, traditional industries generally increase the demand for intelligent manufacturing equipment, providing a huge imagination space for intelligent manufacturing technology and intelligent manufacturing equipment industry. "Previously, Dongguan has launched the 'machine replacement' plan, and Dongguan's robot industry will also develop rapidly." The above-mentioned person in charge told the reporter of Dongguan Daily.

The above-mentioned person in charge further analyzed that intelligent manufacturing will become the main direction of the deep integration of "two modernizations". After the "Made in China 2025" plan is introduced, it will definitely accelerate the application and promotion of intelligent manufacturing in the industrial field. In 2015, local governments may intensively introduce a A batch of relevant supporting programs will be launched, and an upsurge of intelligent manufacturing models and the promotion of intelligent manufacturing applications will be set off across the country.

Extended reading

The development of the Industrial Internet is expected to kick off

With the introduction of the "Made in China 2025" plan, the development of the Industrial Internet is also expected to kick off. The Industrial Internet is the necessary basis for the realization of intelligent manufacturing, and it is the "system of systems" in the intelligent manufacturing production system. In 2015, with the introduction of policies, more and more enterprises will accelerate their evolution from traditional industrial infrastructure to industrial Internet infrastructure.

In addition, according to expert analysis, after the introduction of "Made in China 2025", the pace of servitization of the domestic manufacturing industry will be further accelerated. The manufacturing industry is changing from product-centric to consumer-centric, production-oriented to "production + service" or service-oriented, and the trend of service-oriented transformation is obvious. With the deep integration of the Internet and industry, the manufacturing industry will provide professional services to the market. It will become a hot spot in the industry. Value-added services such as online real-time monitoring, remote fault diagnosis, financial leasing, and full life cycle management will continue to emerge. The manufacturing industry is expected to achieve reengineering. .